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Put on Your New Clothes

Put on Your New Clothes

Are all your Christmas gift returns and exchanges completed? Have you put all of your gifts to good use by now? How about those new clothes? There is one set of new clothes which is ours to keep and quite important to use every day so others can see them.  With credit and thanks to a recent sermon topic from my pastor, I am talking about the new garment of salvation we were given in Christ.  The gift of a Savior at Christmas, followed by our baptism, gave each of us new life in Christ.

We each have the opportunity to let others we live, work, and come into contact with, see that new life in us. We are blessed to be a child of God and to know Jesus.  God has chosen us to be part of His family and to share the Good News of salvation in Jesus.

Ask God for determination to continue sharing His love so many more may come to know Jesus and a saving faith.


Pat Reichert

Vice President of Special Focus Ministries
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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My Plans... or His?

My Plans … or His?

What are your plans for this week? If you are a member of the LWML Board of Directors, you are planning to meet with your sisters-in-Christ in St. Louis to conduct the business of the LWML and enjoy fellowship!

No matter what your plans are, they may, or may not, mesh with God’s. He says in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you … to give you a future and a hope. His plans may be vastly different than ours and, being God, His are always best!

If our plans get thwarted, we can react by kicking and screaming, or we can sit back and thank God for His mercy and go on from there. After all, His ultimate plan for us is to be eternally saved through the redeeming work of Jesus; therefore, we also know that He looks out for our best interests here on earth, too.

Please pray for your LWML District President, and all members of the Board of Directors, for safe travels this week and to make prayerful decisions for the work of the LWML. We know that the time is now to move forward in spreading God’s Word, according to His most excellent plan.


Carolyn Blum

Vice President of Organizational Resources
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League


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Countdown to Convention

Countdown to Convention

It is mid-year in the academic world and as the end of the school year approaches, many schools begin a countdown to the last day of school. Let’s consider another countdown. One that ends with celebrations, Bible studies, and mission speakers. Yes, a countdown to our convention in Des Moines, Iowa. The Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly has arrived on doorsteps across this great land of ours with everything you need to know to register for the Des Moines convention. As you read this article, the countdown is around 150 days. Find a calendar and mark off the days. There is much to do before that opening service on June 25, 2015, and there are many women still unaware of this incredible gathering. The Time is NOW to spread the word about this exciting event. Grab a friend or family member and share a room. Tell others of the wonderful speakers, gather items for sharing Gifts from the Heart, and pray for all who are preparing for the thousands of participants!


Shelley Moeller

Vice President of Gospel Outreach


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White As Snow

White As Snow

Snow is not always appreciated by those of us in the northern climes. It can make life complicated, travel hazardous, and cause a lot of work. But when it falls slowly and provides a clean blanket of sparkling white, it can also be peaceful.

Snow reminds me of God’s love for us. Even though we sin daily and make a mess of things from time to time, God promises all our crimson sins will be white like new-fallen snow because of Jesus’ sacrificial love for us. Today is a good day to share that love with one another.

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; (Isaiah 1:18b).



Nancy Bogenhagen

Vice President of Communication


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Christmas Cards as Prayer Prompts - Who Knew?

Christmas Cards as Prayer Prompts

- Who Knew?

One year I received a note from an LWML mentor and friend in April saying she had prayed for my family during her morning devotions. She went on to explain that at the beginning of the New Year she would take the Christmas cards they received and each day she selected one, prayed for the sender, and then penned a short note.

I felt so loved and encouraged … and impressed by the creative use of Christmas cards as prayer prompts! So, before you throw away those Christmas cards, or delete the email greetings, maybe you could say a prayer and send a “reply.”

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, … (Philippians 1:3-7a).


Eden Keefe

VP Christian Life


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The Promise in God's Time

The Promise in God's Time

Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night (Psalm 90:1-2, 4).

The words of Psalm 90 come to mind as the old year passes and the new year begins. The Lord is our dwelling place yesterday, today, and forever – in all generations. His love for us in Christ Jesus never passes away. His promises never change or waver – even when we feel we’ve had either a “good” or a “bad” year.

God’s love, joy, forgiveness, righteousness, peace, and hope for eternal life are ours through the merits of our Savior Jesus throughout our days and years to come. We pray with the Psalmist in Psalm 90:14, 17: Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us.

Challenge: Pray the words of Psalm 90 as you begin or end a new day this week.


Shari Miller

Strategic Planning Facilitator


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Always Say a Prayer: ASAP

Always Say a Prayer: ASAP

God is good! All the time! He supplies our every need — even taking care of us before we know what we need. Indeed, He is an amazing God! Yet, how do we connect with God?

Consider the acronym “ASAP.” We usually associate ASAP with work to be done and deadlines to meet. Four letters can make us feel there’s no time to spare! We hurry and scurry; we might even be in the midst of a family crisis or work dilemma, with little time to meet the deadline.

However, even when our worries and needs seem to be more than we can bear, we can remember ASAP … Always Say A Prayer. It’s better to slow down, take a breather, and ASAP … Always Say A Prayer.

God knows how stressful life can be. He wants to ease our cares. He will respond to all our needs and He will answer us ASAP … Always Say A Prayer.



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